Managed Services, Security & Cloud

Network Security

Our network security services encompass firewall management, intrusion detection, and regular security audits to fortify your systems against cyber threats.

Cloud Integration

We specialize in migrating your data to the cloud, setting up cloud environments, and providing ongoing support to ensure smooth operations.

Data Backup and Recovery

From automatic backups to disaster recovery planning, we ensure that your data remains secure and accessible in any situation.

Managed IT Services

Our managed IT services offer proactive monitoring, maintenance, and support to optimize your IT infrastructure, improve efficiency, and reduce downtime.

Remote Support

Facilities for remote support are provided to nominated personnel at all sites within your organisation. We will provide a direct link to 
a dedicated help desk support system for nominated personnel to notify us of any issues 
in regards to computer workstations and communications equipment. This service is provided to users with a same day response.*

Onsite Network & Server Maintenance

We will provide onsite maintenance assessments 
for your organisation and deliver a recommended 
‘call to action’ report for your review.

Remote Management 
& Support

Management and support for general server, network and desktop maintenance.

Upgrade Schedule

This will assist in budgeting for future hardware and peripheral upgrades and procurements.

Remote Emergency Response

We will provide a timely service response for 
all servers and network infrastructure outages based on an SLA (Service Level Agreement).

Help Desk Tracking System

We will provide users with the ability to enter service requests online from any workstation connected to your organisation’s network.

Cloud Computing

Let us help you master the benefits and possibilities of being in the Cloud, with our expertise in back up, disaster recovery 
and infrastructure.

Automated Backup Monitoring

Protect your data on a daily basis by providing 
us with alerts and notifications of your backup systems and software. This service is subject 
to current available client backup software.

Managed ICT Operations

Coordinating with all designated managers, Netspan will completely manage ICT services including Internet Service Providers, Telecommunications, Mobile and Wireless Broadband Providers, third-party software vendors, contractors and developers for your organisation.

Managed ICT Infrastructure

Our highly skilled technicians and engineers will maximise efficiency and transform the way your 
IT is managed.

Standardisation Coordination

We can offer your organisation improved ICT 
structure of operations, processes, equipment, applications and support.

Managed Cybersecurity

If your organization depends on software for its security, are there dedicated professionals actively overseeing, handling, and addressing potential security threats? Is there a round-the-clock team of cybersecurity experts safeguarding your organization?
If not, our team of experts is fully equipped to manage all your cybersecurity needs.

24/7 Support Services

Reaching us will never be a problem as we will provide you with an emergency services contact number upon request.**

*Business hours, out-of-hours, and emergency response times available. 
**Additional charges apply for out-of-hours and emergency services.

Service Level Agreements  

We will tailor an agreement to suit your core business needs.

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